World Wide Web

February 4, 2010

I cannot recommend any of the laptop, netbook, iPads, MIDs, or any other device over the other for mobile computing and communication.  Mainly, because we truly need a World Wide Web.  I don’t mean the Internet…instead I mean a wireless worldwide network with high bandwidth.  Perhaps LTE (sorry WiMax looks like you may be out of luck in the near future) will be the beginning of such a network possibility.  Some day, when we can wirelessy connect to gigabit plus speeds anywhere in the world, then can we really start to dissect the usefulness of any of the mobile computing devices.

Perhaps by that time we’ll all have an internalized computer thanks to embedded chips in our brains. 

At least in K’s humble opinion.

Technocratic Method

February 2, 2010

I am not sure how big of a reader base Engadget has, but it definitely has me.  While I’ve only commented myself once or twice, it was utterly shocking that a site as fair as Engadget tries to be had to turn off the comment feature for a while.  Then when I really got to thinking about it I was amazed that the function has to be shut off anywhere.  There is no golden bar for what type of site has a better class of readers than others.  The anonymity of the Inter-Webs may be a social indicator of our backwards slide into emotion driven grunting, not even conversation let alone debate.  Perhaps we (I) simply become too used to an age of politcal correctness, of the fear of legal retribution or blackmail.  Has the hard-headedness and insensitivity seen on almost any site’s comments a glimpse into the “good old days” when men were men and were not afraid to say so?

It is very possible.  In K’s humble opinion it is a direct indicator how the “better educated” we become about some topics, the lesser educated we become at expressing our views, at least when it is easily posted as “Guest”.  Fisticuffs may not have been an unusual thing when two parties were expressive of different views, especially in the arena of politics.  As time progressed it seemed that humanity had evolved an understanding that a well thought out and concise argument, and I do mean the statement of reason not the flame-war matches seen, can be just as if not more effective than a close-fingered hello to the nose.

As mentioned, loyalty to one’s point of view, brand, theory or whatever else it may be is not a bad thing.  Without staunch support nothing would be accomplished.  To simply decry another point of view, brand, theory or what have you just because it is differing is not healthy or reasonable.

At least, in K’s humble opinion.

First! (or somesuch)

February 1, 2010

It is a definite trend to declare the (obviously) first post of a comment, but perhaps I can buck the trend by naming the actual post as first. 

As for the topic of the first, I’d like to perhaps offer my own (K’s) humble opinion on the recent announcement of the Apple iPad.  Well, not technically the announcement itself but rather the remarks by current Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.  While a company I both love and respect, there have been many decisions yours truly has not agreed with.  Mr. Iwata recently was quoted as saying the iPad is nothing more than “a bigger iPod Touch”. (

While there are many doubts as to the success and sustainability  of the iPad there are conversely as many positives about it.  I would not be so quick to dismiss the product so readily as a company who has currently been under the gun by an ever increasing number of professionals who believe that Nintendo is not doing the best it can in the, ahem, laziness department.  While there is no direct competition seen on the mobile front between the iPad and the current Nintendo offering, the DS, there is a definite possibility of gaming on a screen that is at least as capable at graphics, and fan base that is likely more fanatical than Nintendo’s home offering of the Wii.  Perhaps with the innovation of millions of budding developers attempting innovation on Apple’s products there should be more to fear than Mr. Iwata is willing to grant.

The future of any device, seemingly, lies in allowing all developers attempt at innovation.  This will inevitably lead to a far greater product than originally released.  Who knows specifically about the iPad, whether or not it is justifiable to fork the money out for any of the versions, or if the iPad will take off and developers will provide something in the 140k+ App Store that will significantly change all of our lives forever.  It is definitely something that all companies and presidents, not just Mr. Iwata and Nintendo, need to be wary of when disclaiming any competitors offerings.

At least in K’s humble opinion.